Butterfinger Cupcakes

>> Tuesday, July 12, 2011

OMG! These were delicious and I was amazed at how perfectly the frosting mimicked the flavors of a Butterfinger candy bar. I brought these to a potluck on Saturday and everyone raved about them.

To simplify the recipe, I used a butter chocolate cake mix rather than a homemade cake, but one day soon I plan on trying the cake recipe. My cupcakes had a chocolate cake base, then they were topped with half of a snack-sized Butterfinger, which was covered with the amazing frosting and then crushed Butterfingers were sprinkled on top of the frosting. Layer upon layer of glorious flavor! What's not to love about that?!?

Since I used the exact recipe for the frosting, I won't type it out. Here is the link to the recipe, if you're interested, which you totally should be because these puppies were beyond awesome!

recipe from Annie's Eats


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